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31 october 2022

Attention customers! According to the decision of the credit committee of the PJSCB "ORIENT FINANS" from 10.11.2022, changes are introduced for the following credit products!

From 10.11.2022, the following changes are introduced for the following credit products:

1) Microloan PRO:
Old rate:
- For a period of 2 years, 28% per annum;
- For a period of 3 years, 29% per annum.
New rate:
- For a period of 2 years 24% per annum;
- For a period of 3 years, 25% per annum.

2) Microloan "On top":
Old rate:
- 30% per annum;
New rate:
- 28% per annum.

3) Microloan "Free month":
Old rate:
- From the second month 30% per annum;
New bid:
- From the second month 28% per annum.

4) Microloan "Green":
Old rate:
- 30% per annum;
New rate:
- 28% per annum.

5) Car loan:
Old rate:
- with an initial payment of at least 25% of the amount of the contract value of the car - 24% per annum;
- with an initial payment of more than 40% of the amount of the contract value of the car - 22% per annum;
New rate:
- with an initial payment of at least 25% of the amount of the contract value of the car - 23% per annum;
- with an initial payment of at least 35% of the amount of the contract value of the car - 22% per annum;
- with an initial payment of more than 45% of the amount of the contract value of the car - 21% per annum;