Dear clients and employees of Orient Finans Bank!
Welcome to the Compliance Control Manager page!
The established compliance control system is regulated by the "Regulations on the Compliance Control System of Orient Finans", which includes a set of actions aimed at compliance by all employees and collegial bodies of the Bank with the requirements of current legislation, internal regulations (policies, regulations, procedures, etc.), as well as prevention of possible "risks of non-compliance" and "corruption risks" in the Bank's activities. The main purpose of compliance control in the Bank is to unite the activities of collegial bodies and all employees of the Bank in order to achieve the Bank's goals, strict compliance by the Bank and branches with the requirements of current legislation and internal regulatory documents, prevention of cases of violations of legislation in the Bank's activities, the formation of an intolerant attitude among Bank employees to all manifestations of corruption and increase their legal awareness. Responsibility for compliance control in the Bank is assigned to an independent structural subdivision of the Bank – the Compliance Control Department, which reports directly to the Supervisory Board of the Bank.
Dear Customers of the Bank!
If you are faced with corruption offenses on the part of bank employees or want to warn about the causes and conditions that contribute to corruption, you can contact the compliance control manager by filling out the electronic application below. This service is organized for both individuals and legal entities interested in preventing corruption in all its manifestations and should help protect the rights and legitimate interests of our Bank's clients.
Dear Employees of the Bank!
If you have encountered a "conflict of interest" in your official activity, then if it occurs, you must immediately notify the compliance control manager of the Bank by filling out the electronic application below (or by calling him by phone) to make an appropriate decision.
REMINDER: "conflict of interest" is a situation in which the personal interest (direct or indirect) of a Bank employee affects or may affect the proper performance of their official or official duties and in which there is or may be a contradiction between the personal interest of the employee and the rights and legitimate interests of the Bank.
Messages from the Bank's Clients are accepted both anonymously and under their own name. The Bank guarantees consideration of all messages, regardless of their form. However, anonymous messages do not have feedback, so in such cases the Bank will not be able to respond to the applicant or request additional information for a comprehensive review of the message.
Confidentiality of messages is guaranteed!
Attention! According to article 237 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, criminal liability is provided for false denunciation, that is, a deliberately false report of a crime.
PJSCB "ORIENT FINANS" against corruption in all forms and manifestations!
Contact the compliance control manager about corruption offenses or if there is a conflict of interest!
Send the completed form to the email address
Additionally, you can send documents, photos, passport scans and other information (optional).
Your application will be reviewed in due course and the results will be notified.
Download the form to fill out
Download (Orient Finans Bank - Flyer - Corruption)