It has the status of a resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The presence of existing profitable business.
The presence of a primary or secondary demand deposit account with PJSCB ORIENT FINANCE.
Place of registration and business in the region of presence of PJSB ORIENT FINANCE.
Having a positive credit history
Own participation in the project of at least 25 percent is welcome.
Time and formal business registration of at least 12 months is welcome.
Enterprises operating at a loss, having an illiquid balance, are not eligible for lending.
freight and passenger vehicles;
equipment for various purposes;
special equipment for various purposes;
trailers and semi-trailers;
office rooms;
industrial premises;
shopping areas (shops, shopping centers);
other fixed assets used in business.
The loan amount depends on the financial condition of the potential borrower, the volume of its business and the source of loan repayment.
Loan term - up to 60 months.
Interest rate * - depending on the loan term.
Loan currency - Uzbek sum and foreign currency **.
Terms of repayment of interest on the loan - monthly, interest is calculated on the actual balance of the loan debt.
Terms of repayment of the principal amount of the loan: monthly in equal installments or an individual schedule is established in accordance with the peculiarities of the financial and economic activities of the potential borrower.
The possible grace period during which the principal amount of the loan is not repaid is up to 6 months.
Early repayment of the loan is allowed, fines and fees for early repayment are not collected.
Loan security: the security may be a pledge of property, including personal and third parties of both legal entities and individuals:
the property;
motor transport;
deposit both national and in foreign currency;
special equipment;
other liquid property.
Possible combined pledge. The pledge is accepted for a total amount of 125% of the loan amount using a discount. The size of the discount depends on the type of property, its value and loan period.
* There are no additional hidden fees and charges to the Bank on the loan.
** Credits in foreign currency are provided only if there is a stable currency proceeds from export operations sufficient to repay the loan.